Va invitam sa sarbatorim impreuna “Sarbatoarea Corturilor 2018” La fel ca si in ultimii ani, si anul acesta acest eveniment se va derula in timpul sarbatorii Memorial Day. Sosirea in camp se poate face pe data de Vineri 25 Mai, iar plecarea pe Luni 28 Mai.
Deoarece locurile sunt limitate, va rugam sa va anuntati intentia de a participa pana la inceputul luni Mai.
Va multumim!
You are cordially invited to share the Memorial Day weekend with us camping at Texoma Lake, Sundance Camp Grounds. Since there are limitations of the number of campers, please make your intentions known by the beginning of May, 2018.
For more info, and for Camping rules please click on the link below:–sundance-camp-group-camping-rv-cabins/176